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1st Errand day of 2016 (1/2/16)

This Errand Day went much smoother than most. It gets crazy! I believe a huge part of the smoothness is the fact that I wasn't rushing which reduced the stress and anxiety by 1000. We also decided to or rather I decided to take The Lil Chef's advice and bring home the things we bought from our side of town before we went to where we used to live (which is in another county and city but it's not too too far away) to shop. 

Anyway, look what we ran into in Giant Eagle! I've seen frozen Octopus before but not quite like this, so personal lol. I was fawning over the frozen squid next to it. I reeeeaaaallllyyy want some grilled squid and not in rings. I LOVE Calamari but whole squid & calamari steaks are excellent!   

I know I've said this in a post somewhere else on social media but this was our 1st time trying these english muffins and these hands down are the best english muffins I have ever tasted even better than the "normal" ones! The Lil Chef agrees! These are big, fluffy and thick but light at the same time, they toast well and hold smart balance and jelly really well too! lol I Absolutely recommend these if you have not already tried them! Way to go Glutino!!! 

I finally got my 1st bottle of Walden Farms! I have not opened it yet so I still have no idea what it tastes like but they get rave reviews so when it's time for my chicken caesar salad I will let you guys know what I think! 

Ok I was totally blown away by this. Grapeseed oil usually costs a couple of legs and your kid but this was less than $3 (I believe, maybe less than $4, can't remember) at Aldi! I could not pass this up. Now 
I don't want to use it because it'll never be this price again! :'( lol

This is something new from LiveGFree. The Lil Chef picked this up. I take True bars, Kind bars, and things along those lines when I'm out so when my sugar drops or I get hungry I have something healthy to eat. I am interested to see how these compare.

Aldi, you rock for this one! (not that you don't for everything else but...) 
This was also a new item. It was right there in the door when you 1st walk in , of course to entice impulse shoppers! I am obviously one lol. This was less than $4 and I love it! No sugar added, 100% juice, not from concentrate, a ton of antioxidants, wonderful! The same bottle at Giant Eagle...almost twice as much! I really like this, I don't know that Aldi will have this again the next time I go but I sure hope so!

SOOOOOOOOO, look what I got! I made it to Walmart to get all the homemade detergent ingredients. (I know how people feel about Walmart) I have not made the detergent yet but I am going to soon! Of course there will be a post for that. I got the container from Dollar General. I was surprised it was as cheap as it was. You can't see the true color of the top but it's a light aqua/turquoise type of deal and that happens to be The Lil Chef's favorite color right now so she keeps trying to take it. 
I'm excited to get started making my own...everything!
I have a few ideas for my porch garden as well. We'll get to gardening another day.

Post to come.


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